Early Consignments

Baby Calves For Sale

As a service to our customers, we are maintaining a list of folks who have called in with baby calves for sale. Feel free to reach out directly to them. To add your name to the list, direct message us on our Facebook page, email office@lewistownlivestock.com, Call our office 406-535-3535, or text Kyle at 406-366-0472 with details.

Thad, Hilger, 406-839-8917

Austin, Grass Range, 406-366-1385

TUE, MAR 18 - Stock Cow Central Bred Special & All Class Cattle
Snowy Mountain Angus & Rockin’ L Genetics Bull Sale

10 A.M. - Weigh Ups
12 NOON - Bred Cows
1 P.M. - Bull Sale, Pairs, Replacement Heifers
2 P.M. - Feeder Cattle


40 Yearling Angus bulls from the J.R. & Katie Lund and Theresa Abegglen families. Click the button above for the sale catalog.


10 head - 2-Year Old Pairs - The Peterman Ranch out of Wibuax, MT has been using Rockin L Genetics Bulls since the first sale. They are offering ten head of 2-year old pairs. All dams are sired by Rockin L Frontman & Ten Gauge bulls, with a steer calf on their side. Calves were born the first part of March and are AI sired by Woodhill Comstock, carried by ABS.


Donation Heifer - Rockin L Genetics will be offering Rockin L Lady Ida 448 for the 2025 donation heifer, sired by Rockin L’s high seller in the 2023 sale. Her dam is a Coal Bank daughter that had great longevity; both her and the granddam producing calves for 14 years. Patriarch is going to add more muscle and more power to his calves. Proceeds will benefit the Stephanie Jensen Memorial for the Winnett swimming pool and the Alan Shammel memorial for the Hilger Fire District.

Rockin’ L Genetics, Winnett, 10 Open Commercial Replacement Heifers, sired by Rockin’ L bulls, born Mid-March 2024, BV, pre-breeding vacc., 650#

Fishtail, 25 Replacement Hfrs, black, March born, weaned mid-Oct, cake broke, longstem grass hay & pasture, out of black cows and sired by top-end Red Angus herd bulls, BV, prebreeding shots Exp5 VL5 HB, multimin, Safeguard wormer, Johnes free herd with over a decade of Johnes testing, top cut of all black hfrs from long time Angus & Red Angus breeder, reputation kind, 750#,

Lewistown, 9 Replacement Hfrs, black/bwf, fall shots, weaned, no replacements kept at home, 750#

To consign to, please call:



Office: 406-535-3535
Kyle Shobe, Owner/Manager: 406-366-0472
Joel Sewell, Field Rep: 406-788-9396